In this age of globalization, cooperation and collaboration between regional countries become of utmost importance. This is particularly where crimes and criminal activities are no longer limited by physical borders. In the last three decades, numerous forensic science networks have been formed in the various regions of the world, and these include the formation of the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD) in 1974 for America, the Senior Managers of Australian and New Zealand Forensic Laboratories (SMANZFL) in 1986 for Australia and New Zealand, the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) in 1995 for Europe, and
the Academia Iberoamericana De Criminalistica Y Estudios Forenses (AICEF) in 2004 for Latin America, Spain and Portugal. In Asia, although there was no formal network before the formation of the Asian Forensic Sciences Network (AFSN), various cooperation and collaboration were evident. An annual regional newsletter DrugNetAsia has been published as a result of a regional Consultative Meeting of the Heads of Drug Testing Laboratories in Southeast Asia organized by UNDCP (the previous name for UNODC) which was held in Hong Kong SAR in 1999. This newsletter has served as a platform for information sharing among the drug testing laboratories in the region.
In 2006, a regional DNA Symposium on Forensic DNA and Population Statistics Workshop was held in Singapore which featured leading forensic experts from the United States, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam.
In 2007, a regional Forensic DNA Profiling Workgroup was formed due to the need to share information after the 2004 tsunami. In the same year, Dr Barbara Remberg of UNODC put forward the idea of forming a regional network during a regional UNODC project workshop on precursors and illicit drugs.
In October 2008, representatives from six national forensic institutes in the region converged in Singapore to discuss the issue on the formation of a regional forensic science network. The six institutes are: Department of Scientific Services, Brunei Darussalam; Department of Chemistry, Malaysia; National Bureau of Investigation, Philippines; Central Institute of Forensic Science, Thailand; Forensic Science Institute, Vietnam and Health Sciences Authority, Singapore. Dr Barbara Remberg of UNODC and Prof Jose Lorente, International Liaison Officer of AICEF were also present at the meeting. This meeting gave birth to Asian Forensic Sciences Network (AFSN) which will henceforth serve as a collective representation for the forensic science community in Asia.
To provide a forum for forensic science institutes in Asia for discussion on issues relating to forensic services.
⚫ To enhance the quality of forensic services in Asia through expert working groups, training, collaborative studies, proficiency tests and accreditation.
⚫ To establish links with other similar networks for the promotion and advancement of forensic science.
⚫ To formulate strategies relating to forensic science issues in Asia.
From 70 member institutes from 18 countries of Asia
The Asian Forensic Sciences Network (AFSN) was formed in 2008 with the purpose of having a platform for forensic scientists in Asia to come together to discuss, share, and advance forensic science. We have grown from 6 member institutes from 6 countries in 2008 to 70 member institutes from 18 countries (as at June 2023). Currently, AFSN has 9 technical workgroups (Crime Scene Investigation, Digital Forensics, DNA, Fingerprint, Forensic Medicine, Illicit Drugs, Toxicology, Trace Evidence, Questioned Document) and a Quality Assurance and Standards Committee. AFSN holds an annual meeting every year for its members.
Department of Chemistry
Director-General Central Institute of Forensic Science
Republic of Korea
National Forensic Service
Health Sciences Authority
Brunei Darussalam
Department of Scientific Services
People's Republic of China
Institute of Forensic Science
Philippine National Police
Department of Chemistry
Automated GSR Analysis by SEM/EDS
"Sharing of Best Practices and Tips on Validation and Interpretation."
Digital Transformation and Forensic Science
Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Network in Forensic Science.
LIMS for Forensic Investigation
Organised by the AFSN Illicit Drugs and Toxicology Workgroup
15th AFSN Annual Meeting
The 15th AFSN Annual Meeting and Symposium will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 11 - 15 September 2023 and the 16th AFSN Annual Meeting and Symposium will be held in Thailand. The 15th AFSN Annual Meeting & Symposium.
4th AFSN Webinar: Normalization of Forensic Identification | Normalization of Forensic Identification
Click this link to Register.
Or you can scan the QR Code below
Death of An Accused in a Court After the Announcement of the Verdict
More info.
Asian Forensic Sciences Network Training Workshop 2023
This workshop aims to provide participants with valuable insights and practical knowledge on laboratory best practices as well as testing of cannabinoids and new psychoactive substances in both drug samples and biological specimens.
Click this link to view the pdf file.
AFSN Board Seminar Series #2
Topic: Maximizing Efficiency with Automation and Digitalisation
Harnessing technologies to increas productivity and efficiency is essential to improvement and progress in all forensic laboraties. Digitalisation and automation are currently prominent solutions, particularly when it come to optimising work processes in laboratory settings. In this Seminar, speakers from the Health Sciences Authority (HSA), Singapore share their experiences in transforming different processes in forensic laboratories.
Click here for synopses and speakers' biographies
Register here
Running a Quality Forensic DNA Database Program
14th AFSN Annual Meeting
Highlights of the 14th AFSN Annual Meeting and Symposium held in Jakarta, Indonesia can be found here.
AFSN Webinar Series
"Titbits from around the world"
Topic 1: An Unusual Suicide Case of Asphyxiation by Ligature Around thge Thorax
Topic 2: Unnatural or Natural
Click here for more info.
Webinar for the AFSN Community
Participants will learn how to effectively use INTERPOL biometric databases and related services.
Participants will also develop a deeper understanding of the importance of international biometric data exchange in order to prevent,
detect and investigate transnational crime.
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Bridging Forensic, Humanitarian, and Techonological Progress
Forensic Science, The Meeting of HI and AI:
Navigating Expectations and Threats
International Webinar
Building ASEAN Synergy Startegies for Coordination and Collaboration in Disaster Response Through DVI/CSI
Department of Scientific Services, Brunei Darussalam; Department of Chemistry, Malaysia; National Bureau of Investigation, Philippines; Central Institute of Forensic Science, Thailand; Forensic Science Institute, Vietnam and Health Sciences Authority, Singapore